Project Proposals for 2006 for Group H

Botany Medicinal plants: Do we sustainably harvest endangered plant species? Ms. Lizandé Kellerman
Angelique Joubert
Chemistry & Physics The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Mr. Werner Barnard
Mr. Walter Meyer
Mr. Johan Janse van Rensburg

Genetics Fungi @ FABI Ms. Joha Grobbelaar
Ms. Bianca Hinze
Geology Rocks & Soil Prof. Roland Merkle


Bits of linear algebra and graph theory;
and the google search engine.

Mr. Gusti van Zyl

Plant Pathology and Soil Science Soil-borne potato diseases

Dr Jacquie van der Waals
Mr. Johan van der Waals

Plant Production Production of Selected Vegetables under Shade Netting

Dr. Puffy Soundy
Mr. Jacques Marneweck

Zoology Entomology: Biodiversity and Conservation

Mrs. Barbara Dombrowsky
Mr. Michael Ellis
Ms. Kitty Stamhuis

Project allocations

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Last updated: 2 March 2006
Maintained by Helga Nordhoff