Chemistry & Physics:
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Project Proposals for 2006 - Group H

In this Universe there exists one thing that does not know the concept of privacy, can penetrate almost every substance known to man, and can even travel through the vacuum of deep space, it is called an electromagnetic wave. Different types of electromagnetic waves make up what is known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum or EMS for short. How we differentiate between the different types of waves is usually done by either giving the frequency (how many waves pass by a certain point in one second) or the wavelength (the distance between to consecutive crests or troughs of a wave) of an electromagnetic wave.

In this project we will observe our world through a totally different view by using different parts of the EMS for imaging purposes.

Typical questions that will arise are:

  • How will the same object behave under radiation of different parts of the EMS?
  • Can we differentiate between chemical or compounds that react the same in one part of the EMS, but different in another part?
  • How can we make the unseen visible?
  • And many more.

So, if you are fascinated with the properties of light and the EMS then this is definitely the project for you.


  • Mr. Werner Barnard
  • Mr. Johan Janse van Rensburg
  • Mr. Walter Meyer
Project Proposals for 2006

  Helga Nordhoff
  Last updated: 17 Januarie 2006