Biodiversity Bits



Olivia Makhafola

YasminI am a unique individual. My dreams and goals really determine the kind of an individual that I am. I have realised that I carry a burning curiosity within me. Science, history and business all fascinate me so much that I want to make a career out of them all. I believe that with the BA (Own specialisation) I will be able to satisfy my curiosity about the world around me.

There is absolutely nothing stopping me from living my life to the fullest. Up with Science has really given me the opportunity to explore things I want to do, directly or indirectly so, therefore I am very grateful. I have seen what a good university the University of Pretoria is, thus I am greatly hoping to obtain my degrees and high qualifications in this one particular university.

One way or the other, I shall fulfill all my Dreams, one by one!!!
