Lions Dandelion Seagull Dassie Vygie Eagle Crab Whale Scartlett Ibis

The Bits

  • Bats
    Why are bats important to the environment and mankind?
  • Bullfrogs
    Bullfrogs and the environment
  • Butterflies
    What role do butterflies play in the ecosystem?
  • Cheetahs
    What is the situation around the status of the cheetah?
  • Communication
    How tocommunicate the Science of Biodiversity 
  • Educational Outreach
    How do you think the message of biodiversity can effectively be communicated to South Africans?
  • Elephants
    How can elephant culling help to preserve the biodiversity of the Kruger Park?
  • Phytomedicine
    Is Phytomedicine affecting plant biodiversity? If it does, how? How can it be prevented?



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