Plant Pathology:
Fungi, bacteria, yeasts and viruses

Project Proposals for 2005 - Group G

The project will comprise of

  1. Introduction to fungi, bacteria, yeasts and viruses.
  2. Testing breakfast cereals for any bacterial and fungal growth.
  3. Testing of “soft-drinks” to analyze what organisms in them are really making them popular.     ;-)
  4. Students getting the opportunity to test just how clean the fridges, dishcloths etc in their homes really are.
  5. Comparing bottled water to tap water for microbial growth.
  6. Demonstration of the interaction between fungi and bacteria by the Dual culture test method.
  7. Get up close and personal with fungi through demonstration of Scanning Electron Microscopy.


  • Ms Gerda Harmzen
  • Ms Velo Govender
Project Proposals for 2005

  Helga Nordhoff
  Last updated: 24 Januarie 2005