Research projects, Group Q

"Physics of light: from candles to starlight"

This project is all about light – from how it is created, to how it is detected and how it has changed our lives. Starting with the simple candle, many different sources of light will be investigated including the incandescent light, CFL’s, LED’s, lasers and the brightest stars
in the universe.

Some of the following questions and more will be investigated:

  • How do the different light sources work?
  • Which type of light is the most efficient?
  • Which type of light is the most economical?
  • How can the light from stars, millions of lightyears away, tell us about the composition of those stars?
  • Why can some lasers cut through thick steel while others are used for very delicate eye surgery?

Along the way you will also learn about various interesting uses of light such as making the coldest atoms in the universe, applications in medicine and biology and other new technologies.


  • Johan Janse van Rensburg